In Sins of a Solar Empire, the struggle always continues.As well as these resources you have fleet capacity and capital ship crews, which determine how big your fleet can be and how many capital ships you can sustain, which are both increased through research. It fell back alongside its surviving fleet, while my own forces regrouped and started getting ready for the next round of the struggle. Boosted by the Ankylon's Group Shield ability, which gives friendly ships in the area a big defensive boost, my fleet was steadily whittling down the Ragnarov's backup, and the Ragnarov itself didn't quite have the firepower to take out the Ankylon. The Ragnarov slewed around to fight back, the lights of incoming weapons playing over its mottled sheet-metal hull.Įven as it brought its guns to bear, the fight was turning against the rebels. I could make out the main guns firing massive plasma projectiles down at the Ragnarov, while pulse weapons reached out like tendrils for nearby fighters and bombers. The Titans move with a ponderous menace: my Ankylon pulled into range of the Ragnarov and the slowly rotated to bring its massive, slab-like sides to bear for a crushing broadside. They glimmer in the dark of space, and then blaze with laser beams, a wash of explosions, and the fire of distant stars.

The lighting on these ships is just incredible. The rebels thrive on aggressive warfare, while the loyalists are natural turtlers. While both factions belong to the same race and share about 85% of the same technologies and units, that last 15% bends them toward very different strategies and play styles. It is the perfect weapon for the TEC Rebel faction, who have split with the TEC Loyalist faction due to the latter's belief that the TEC should pursue armed and fortified isolationism and the Rebels' conviction that the TEC will have peace after its enemies are dead. To go toe-to-toe with the Ragnarov, as I tried to do, is to court death. Its elongated hull serves to mount a massive railgun capable of smashing apart capital ships with the deadly Snipe ability, or it can thin out a more numerous fleet with its Scattershot ability, which not only damages targets in a cone in front of the Ragnarov, but also lowers their armor. It is a giant spacefaring shotgun whose sole purpose is focused aggression.

The Ragnarov is the purest expression of both the TEC Rebel faction's philosophy and the dichotomies that drive the new Rebellion stand-alone expansion.